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  • Total payment
  • 1x2023 Virtual Career Clarity Retreat$23

All prices in USD

You're invited to my 2023 Virtual Career Clarity Retreat! Learn the EXACT steps to set and achieve your biggest career goals for the new year. This retreat will take your goals from an IF to a WHEN.

Thursday, December 29th
12 - 3 pm ET

Here's what we're covering...

 2022 Yearly Review and Release Meditation

 Tapping into Your Intuition for 2023

 Living a Feminine Lifestyle for the New Year 

 2023 Goal Setting + Visualization
 Vision Board Making Party

What you'll get...

 2023 Retreat Workbook

Ticket to the live event

Lifetime access to retreat replay

Meditation and visualization recordings

Connection to the network of attendees!


 What if I can't attend live/the whole time?
The entire retreat will be recorded which you'll get lifetime access to.

What happens after I pay?
You'll get an email with alllll the details including the retreat workbook, a Zoom link, and email reminders

Can I invite my friends?
Yes! But all attendees will have to pay to enroll. We will have a strict guest list. Feel free to send them this link to join us!

Got more questions? Email us with them @
